We are a 2-form entry Primary School and most of our pupils come from the local area. We admit 52 children into our two part-time Nursery classes. The following criteria are applied for admissions to our Nursery.

The criteria are as follows: –

  • Children with SEND or Looked After Children
  • Children with brothers or sisters currently in school
  • Straight line distance from home to the main entrance of the school

Applications for Reception are made via the LA. The appropriate application form is available on  the LA  website usually in the December prior to entry. (Please note that attendance at our Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception).

Applications for Nursery continue to be made via the school and are separate from Reception applications. An appropriate form may be obtained from the school office.

Unsuccessful applicants may go through the appeal procedures via the LA Admissions and Appeals Telephone no. 0121 675 0555

Prospective parents are invited to visit school during the Autumn Term. Alternative visits can be arranged by contacting the school.

In Year Admissions

If you wish to make an application during the school year for a Reception to Year 6 place, you must come to the main office and ask for an In-Year Transfer Form.

If there is a place available in the relevant year group the Head Teacher will contact you to make arrangements for an immediate start. If there is not place available then you will be placed on the school waiting list and will only be contacted when a place does become available.