Autumn 1 – The Wonderful World of Me
Join us as we explore the wonderful world of ourselves. We will be learning about the different parts of our bodies and how we can keep ourselves healthy in Science. We will be sharing and listening to stories about our lives, families and culture and identify similarities and differences. We will be sketching self-portraits and even create a pop art self portrait! In Geography we will be learning about our local area including housing and local jobs. By the end of this half term, we will have settled into the new rules and routines of Year 1 and will know each other really well.
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will write our own character descriptions and create a zigzag book about our families. We will also create a shape poem based on ourselves
In phonics we will recap phase 3 and phase 5 graphemes and learn alternative graphemes for sounds. |
Mathematics Skills
– sort objects – count objects – represent objects – count, read and write forwards from any number from 0 to 10 – count, read and write backwards from any number from 0 to 10 – count one more – count one less – one to one correspondence to start to compare groups – compare groups using language such as equal, more/greater, less/fewer – introduce = , > and < symbols – compare numbers – order groups of objects – order numbers – ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd …) – the number line – part whole model – addition symbol – fact families – addition facts – find number bonds for numbers within 10 – systematic methods for number bonds within 10 – number bonds to 10
Autumn 2 – I’m not Afraid of the Dark
Throughout this topic, we will be exploring the dark and the concept of fear. We will learn about nocturnal animals in Science and explore light and dark using our senses. As the topic coincides with Bonfire Night, we will learn about the historical importance of Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate this special day. Furthermore we will learn about the moon landings and find out about Neil Armstrong. We will also explore religious festivals and the use of light and dark in these. By the end of this topic, we will know how to confront our fears and respect the fears of others.
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will retell a familiar story using story language and write our own non-fiction book on Nocturnal animals. We will also write our own poems using our senses.
In phonics we will continue to learn phase 5 alternative graphemes for sounds. |
Mathematics Skills
– compare number bonds – adding together – adding more – finding a part- taking away, how many left? – introduce the subtraction symbol – finding a part – breaking a part – fact families – the 8 facts – counting back – finding the difference – comparing addition and subtraction statements a + b > c – comparing addition and subtraction statements a + b > c + d – recognise and name 3D shapes – sort 3D shapes – recognise and name 2D shapes – sort 2D shapes – patterns with 3D and 2D shapes – count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words –
numbers from 11 to 20 – tens and ones – count one more and one less – compare groups of objects – Compare numbers -Order groups of objects -Order numbers
Spring 1 – Africa Alive
Join us as we travel across the world to the exciting continent of Africa! We will be reading and acting out stories and poetry set in Africa including ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Mama Panya’s Pancakes’. We will read information texts on African animals and create our own non-chronological reports. In Geography we will explore African landscapes and culture and compare life in different African countries to our life here. Our exciting visit to Twycross Zoo will also support our learning on African animals! Year 1 will also embrace the joy of African music as they learn traditional songs and dances. In Art, children will see the vibrancy of traditional African art and produce their own African masks.
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will write a description of a setting and our own postcards. We will also write our own non-chronological report on Africa.
In phonics we will continue to learn phase 5 alternative graphemes for sounds. |
Mathematics Skills
– count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words -numbers from 11 to 20 – tens and ones – understand teen numbers-find one more and mess than a teen number – compare numbers to 20 -order numbers to 20- use addition number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 – read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs – add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 20 – Solve one step problems that involve addition and subtraction – count to 50, forwards and backwards from any number
Spring 2 – Toys
Have you ever wondered what happens to your toys when you are not there? We will find out in this lively topic when we read lots of exciting adventure stories including, ‘Traction Man’ and ‘Toys in Space’. We will let our imagination run wild as we create our own adventures for our toys! We will also travel back in time to explore how toys, today, are different from those in the past. In Design and Technology we will get creative and make our own games and toys. Our scientific investigations this term will be learning all about the four seasons. By the end of this topic we will know how toys work and be able to create toys and games ourselves.
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will write our own adventure stories based on Traction Man. We will also write our own labels and captions for an information report on old toys.
In phonics we will continue to learn phase 5 alternative graphemes for sounds. |
Mathematics Skills
– represent a number to 50 – Partitioning within 50- estimate numbers on a number line up to 50 – compare lengths – measure and begin to record length and height – compare, describe and solve practical problems for length and heights – use the correct language to describe length and height – measure and begin to record weight, capacity and volume – compare, describe and solve practical problems for weight, capacity and volume
Summer 1 – Once Upon a Time
Journey with us as we travel to a magical fairytale land where we will sing musical stories about giants and princesses. We will become actors and actresses as we take on different roles, such as the big bad wolf and Goldilocks and perform traditional tales to the rest of our class. We will also discover a whole new fantasy world as we enter the world of the mixed up fairy –tale and meet the big bad pig and Prince Cinders! This term our scientific explorers will become Jack and find out what they need to do to grow their own beanstalks! By the end of this topic we will have developed our imaginations to write fantastical stories!
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will write our own WANTED poster for the Big Bad pig! We will also retell and write our own mixed up fairy tales.
In phonics we will recap all learned graphemes and continue to practise blending and segmenting them to read and spell words |
Mathematics Skills
– count in multiples of twos, fives and tens – solve one step problems involving multiplication and division – use equal groups to make a total – to make arrays – exploring doubles up to 20 – recognise and find a half and a quarter of a number and a shape – compare, describe and solve practical problems involving fractions- describe position, direction and movement
Summer 2 – Holiday in the UK
Grab a deckchair and bring some sun lotion as we set off for a summer holiday adventure in the UK! We will find out about the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities. We will also find out about some popular UK holiday destinations and landmarks with the help of the Mr Men! As the Birmingham summer heats up we will be discovering seaside holidays from the past and comparing them to our seaside holidays now. From Punch and Judy shows to building sandcastles, we will explore the entertaining opportunities in the past and present. Our resident scientists will investigate natural objects they might find at the beach, as well as the harmful effect of littering on our coastline. By the end of this topic, children will be able to compare and contrast leisure activities from the past and present and care for themselves and the environment.
Literacy Genres | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
We will write our own postcards and diary entries about our ‘holiday’ in the UK. We will also retell a familiar story set at the seaside using story language and write an information report on London.
In phonics we will recap all learned graphemes and continue to practise blending and segmenting them to read and spell words |
Mathematics Skills
– count to and across 100, forwards and backwards – count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals – given a number, identify one more and one less – identify and represent numbers – use the language of: equal to, more than, less than, most, least – recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes – sequence events in chronological order – recognise and use language relating to dates – tell the time to the hour and half past – measure and begin to record time
Please note that Parent Information Leaflets are sent out each half term with further details.