What kinds of SEN does the school make provision for? What type of provision does the school make and how do they know it works?

In our school we make provision for all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational needs provision that is provision from, and additional to, what is normally available to pupils of the same age. Learning difficulties or disabilities fall into 4 areas.

We know that some children will have difficulty in more than one area and will do our best to meet their needs. The table below explains those areas, the support our school can give and how as a school we know it is working.

All children in school have support within lessons through differentiation and quality first teaching strategies. This means activities are planned according to the level the pupil is working at. This can include a variety of adaptations including changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching styles, as well as levels of adult support.

How parents can find the Birmingham Local Authority’s Offer? The Birmingham Local Authority’s Offer can be found at: https://www.localofferbirmingham.co.uk/

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