Today, some of our talented pupils have showcased their musical abilities in front of a packed audience of their peers and parents! They pushed any nerves aside and put on a memorable performance in the school hall.
Over the course of the academic year, Year 4 have participated in weekly guitar lessons in association with the Music Service. They started from the very beginning, learning the correct way to hold their instruments and position their bodies, then progressed to learning simple chords. All of this hard work ultimately led up to today’s performance and we couldn’t be more proud.
All Year 4 pupils learn the guitar as part of our school Music curriculum, when they continue through the school to Upper Key Stage Two they are given the opportunity to continue to have lessons if they elect to. In today’s concert the Year Five pupils played a selection of songs that included some Eric Clapton and the theme to the classic film ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ and one very talented Year 6 pupil treated us to a perfect rendition of Ed Sheran of ‘Perfect’.